International Applications for the Monitoring and Prediction of Weather Hazards including Volcanic Ash - Part I

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
132AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: 31st Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies
Cochairs:  Ian Lisk, Volcanic Ash Coordination Programme, UK Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; John R. Lincoln, US Navy/WMO (Ret.) and Consultant, Berryville, VA and Erik Andersson, Forecast Department, ECMWF, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

  11:30 AM
Toward an Integrated Solution to Mitigate the Impact of Volcanic Ash to Aviation
John J. Murray, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and T. D. Fairlie, J. P. Vernier, M. J. Pavolonis, J. Seiglaff, F. Prata, F. Dezitter, D. Pieri, J. Lekki, and N. A. Krotkov
  11:45 AM
R&D to support volcanic ash dispersion forecsting for aviation
Barbara J.B. Stunder, NOAA/OAR/ARL, College Park, MD; and A. Crawford, S. Albersheim, and M. J. Pavolonis