Rasmusson-Wyrtki session on ENSO, Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, and Global Climatic Impacts: 20 Years after TOGA-Part I

The decade long International Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program ended twenty years ago in December 1994. TOGA fundamentally advanced our understanding of tropical ocean-atmosphere interactions and their global impacts, established a new observing system for El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) research and forecasting, and served as an incubator for the development of skillful seasonal prediction models. It paved the way for much subsequent progress in climate research and its legacy still resonates throughout the scientific community. This session will celebrate that legacy and pay tribute to two renowned scientists whose pioneering studies laid the foundation for TOGA and contributed greatly to its success: Gene Rasmusson and the late Klaus Wyrtki. Presentations are encouraged that highlight climate variability and change in the tropics, the global impacts of the tropics in the climate system, and advances in seasonal to decadal time scale climate forecasting. Presentations on evolving 2014 El Niño-like conditions are also encouraged.