Regional Climate Partnerships: Connecting Climate Science and Decision Making-Part I

The impacts of climate variability and change manifest in dramatically different ways. Coastal regions grapple with storm surge and sea level rise; urban areas endure heat waves that affect public health and safety; and forested regions with drought and wildfire. These impacts are overlaid on vastly different social, political, and economic systems, creating a patchwork of different risk and vulnerability profiles at sub-national scales. The breadth and depth of this challenge requires multiple partners with different expertise, collaborating across regional scales. This session invites papers that describe the importance and value of regional collaborations, challenges faced in coordination, examples of bridging science with decision making, and other co-production models. Papers that focus on particular engagements with NOAA RISA, DOI Climate Science Centers, USDA Regional Climate Hubs, State Climatologists, Sea Grant, and Regional Climate Centers are encouraged.