3rd Weather-Ready Nation Symposium Poster Session

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Host: Third Symposium on Building a Weather-Ready Nation: Enhancing Our Nation�s Readiness, Responsiveness, and Resilience to High Impact Weather Events

Development of a GIS-based Spatial Decision System for Tornadoes in Mississippi
Duanjun Lu, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and S. Abdullah and H. A. L. Longwith

Skywarn: Current Updates and Future Opportunities
Tanja Fransen, NOAA/NWS, Glasgow, MT; and R. Smith, J. J. Jans, and C. Maier

Handout (191.7 kB)

Using High Resolution Weather Model Output in Support of the HYSPLIT Dispersion Model
Peter F. Blottman, NOAA/National Weather Service Forecast Office, Melbourne, FL; and D. Sharp and J. Dreher
Manuscript (540.1 kB)