Town Hall Meeting: Effective Resume Writing

The Board for Early Career Professionals invites you to participate in a panel discussion regarding building a resume that will make you stand out in a sea of job applications. Panelists from academic, broadcast, government, and private sectors will be on hand to share past experiences, and provide tips and techniques to write an effective resume, whether it’s for your first, second, or subsequent job. Talks will be given by each panelist, along with a Q&A session at the end. Topics will include: •Tailoring your resume for every job application. •Understanding what skill sets hiring managers look for. •Recognizing the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae (CV). •Knowing what to leave off a resume. •Making an eye-catching demo tape. •Going above and beyond. All members of the AMS community, including undergraduate and graduate students, post docs, and early career professionals are encouraged to attend this one hour town hall meeting.