Town Hall Meeting: NWS Model Development Forum

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
126BC (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: Town Hall Meeting

The mission of NWS global models is to provide the best possible numerical forecasts to our customers. A key element in providing accurate forecasts is the availability of accurate numerical guidance provided by computer models, mostly provided by NCEP. To address growing service demands and improve the accuracy of the forecasts, NWS needs to remain at the cutting-edge of research and model development and continuously transition science advances from research community to operations (R2O). Given the tremendously increased complexities of weather, climate and environmental prediction systems in the last two decades, the demands for more and more rigorous technology transfer processes and quality management procedures are increased. In an effort to foster more effective communications and successful research to operation transition to improve NWS operational models, NWS and OAR are sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting on NWS Model Development Forum. The purpose is to explain to the partners and stakeholders operational constraints and management procedures for the NWS model development and transition processes, and to get feedback on the expectations and requirements from the community.

  12:15 PM
William Lapenta
  12:30 PM
Hendrik Tolman
  12:45 PM
Isaac Ginis
  1:00 PM
Stan Benjamin
See more of: Town Hall Meeting