Handout (15.8 MB)
This poster focuses on several recent research activities using DART with geophysical models: - Using CAM/DART to understand whether OCO-2 Total Precipitable Water observations can be useful in numerical weather prediction. - Impacts of the synergistic use of Infra-red CO retrievals (MOPITT, IASI) in CAM-CHEM/DART assimilations. - Assimilation and Analysis of Observations of Amazonian Biomass Burning Emissions by MOPITT (aerosol optical depth), MODIS (carbon monoxide) and MISR (plume height). - Long term evaluation of the chemical response of MOPITT-CO assimilation in CAM-CHEM/DART OSSEs for satellite planning and emission inversion capabilities. - Improved forward observation operators for land models that have multiple land use/land cover segments in a single grid cell, enabling studies of the inherent variability in a single gridcell. - Simulating mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) using a variable resolution unstructured grid in the Model for Prediction Across Scale (MPAS) and DART. - The mesoscale WRF+DART system generated an ensemble of year-long, real-time initializations of a convection allowing model over the contiguous United States. - Constraining WACCM with observations in the tropical band (30S-30N) using DART also constrains the polar stratosphere during the same winter. - Assimilation of MOPITT carbon monoxide Compact Phase Space Retrievals (CPSR) in WRF-Chem/DART.
Future work: - The CICE component of the Community Earth System Model will be added to the existing suite of components, which can be used for data assimilation. - Fully coupled assimilations, in which all observations can affect each model component, are under development.
The poster includes instructions on how to get started using DART for research or educational applications.