Monday, 11 January 2016: 2:00 PM
Room 355 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
The NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program supports weather, oceanic and climate prediction with the next generation of polar-orbiting data. Enhanced sensor data is then utilized within both the operational and research communities, but it is the clear need for improved science while maintaining processing consistency that drives science algorithm implementation within NESDIS. Understanding this, JPSS is working to align with the evolving NESDIS enterprise data processing initiatives by employing algorithm suites which represent the JPSS sensor-specific complement of the current GOES-R and legacy data products. This enterprise algorithm development work across current and planned sensor suites allows for consistent and streamlined research and implementation initiatives across NESDIS. Moreover these suites benefit stakeholders with relative algorithm uniformity across multiple sensors and platforms, thereby reducing implementation and training time within applications. It is anticipated that as the JPSS Program works closely with NESDIS to fully realize the benefit of these enterprise solutions, improvements in science data product quality and programmatic cost savings will be obtained.