Thursday, 14 January 2016
This paper will recall combined model-data interpretations of the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) and Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) wind, temperature and airglow data using the tuned mechanistic tidal model approach, including calculation of the oxygen emission rates induced by the simulated tides. This approach was developed in Marvin Geller's group at Stony Brook, providing the first demonstration of the consistency of the tidal signatures in the HRDI/WINDII temperature, airglow and wind observations in the mesosphere and thermosphere. This combined model-data analysis with UARS observations initiated series of modeling and observational discussions on the consistency of tidal analyses from space-borne and ground-based data. It increased confidence in the UARS measurements and quantified annual and year-to-variability of the migrating diurnal tide. We will discuss the value of tidal variability deduced from the space-borne data by inverse methods for evaluation of simulations including potential metrics for recent comparisons of whole atmosphere models and corrections of systematic model errors related to tidal dynamics.