Since 2012, SAB has partnered with the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS) GOES-R and JPSS Satellite Liaison, who also works with NOAA/NCEP Centers OPC, NHC, and WPC, to assist with the evaluation of Proving Ground experimental products provided by CIRA and NASA SPoRT for use in analyzing significant hydro-meteorological events. Experimental products currently under evaluation include; the Convective Initiation algorithm, Overshooting Tops algorithm, Airmass RGB products, Lightning Density, Layered Precipitable Water (LPW), In-Cloud Estimated Snowfall Rate, Synthetic Satellite Imagery, and Ozone and Ozone Anomaly. The incorporation of these experimental products into the meteorological analysis process for SPE messages has led to greater satellite guidance lead times, increased situational awareness, and higher confidence in analysis and forecasts of heavy precipitation events. This forward-thinking approach has benefited not only the SAB Precipitation Desk through the creation of improved products that incorporate these experimental algorithms, but also benefits the algorithm developers by providing feedback and introduces NWS forecasters to future satellite products as we near the start of the GOES-R and JPSS eras.
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