Monday, 11 January 2016
An interdisciplinary geophysical model and data display system was developed where multiple, disparate data types primarily meteorological and oceanographic data can be displayed using Google Maps in a geospatial context. Tools have been designed to provide useful information, including statistical analysis, cross-sections, animations, and time series plots based on data covering the entire globe over significant periods. Data sources include 1) observations from buoys, land based stations, and remote sensing satellites; 2) numerical model output from weather, ocean circulation, and ocean surface wave prediction models; and 3) products based on climatological and historical information. Types of data include 1) atmospheric parameters such as temperature, humidity, winds, and pressure; 2) ocean parameters such as temperature, salinity, density, currents, and chlorophyll; 3) ocean surface waves; and 4) bathymetry and bottom characteristics. The key to bringing such a plethora together in a single geospatial context is the establishment of easy-to-follow, well known data model standards on which the creation, storage, and access of these data sets is based. This facilitates the development of server side, or back-end, software to process data into a multitude of more meaningful analysis products. Performance response is also addressed with data storage and access strategies including a cataloging system to more quickly and efficiently make available data selection and products.-->
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner