Ten cases of dryline-initiated convection are simulated from 2011 to 2013 within an OSSE framework. Ensemble simulations are produced from a cycling system that utilizes the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model v3.3.1 within the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART). A one-way nested configuration with three domains at 36, 12, and 4 km grid spacing is setup with EAKF data assimilation performed on all three. The ensemble is cycled for 48 hours prior to forecast initialization, with adaptive inflation and covariance localization utilized. A “truth” (nature) simulation is produced by supplying a 4 km WRF run with GFS analyses and integrating the model forward ~72 hours from the beginning of cycling through the end of the forecast. Each nested domain extracts observations from the nature run, with random noise from a normal error distribution and variance consistent with the observation type, and assimilates every six hours during cycling. Target locations for surface and radiosonde observations are computed six hours into the forecast based on a chosen scalar forecast metric at the time CI occurs in each case. A new forecast is generated six hours after the prior forecast was initialized, assimilating observations based on the following three experiments: (1) Only the targeted observation is assimilated; (2) Only conventional observations are assimilated; (3) Both targeted and conventional observations are assimilated. Using these methods, a proper analysis of the impact from a single targeted observation is accomplished for dryline convection forecasts.