Monday, 11 January 2016
Jonathan E. Wrotny, I.M. Systems Group, College Park, MD; and E. McWilliams, A. Ken, B. Morris, T. Yu, H. Lu, S. Sampson, W. Wolf, W. C. Straka III, A. K. Heidinger, and J. M. Daniels
Environmental data from the GOES-R satellite series will be produced operationally from a software system called the GOES-R Ground Segment. The GOES-R Ground Segment contains the source code for twenty scientific retrieval algorithms which generate meteorological data from GOES-R measurements. In 2010, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR delivered ATBDs for the baseline scientific algorithms to the GOES-R Project Office for use by a NOAA contractor, and the Ground Segment source code was developed using this algorithm documentation. Over the course of the operational system implementation, the scientific algorithms have been improved by the STAR algorithm developers. The GOES-R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Algorithm Scientific Software Integration and System Transition Team (ASSISTT) maintains and updates these algorithms in an offline data processing framework for the GOES-R algorithm processing. The offline system contains both the STAR versions of the delivered baseline software and the current versions of the GOES-R algorithm code.
This presentation describes a process where the GOES-R ASSISTT may update the baseline algorithms in the Ground Segment development environment with the algorithm improvement. In particular, we describe the roles and relationships between the various people involved in the algorithm software update process: AWG Algorithm Lead, ASSISTT Science/QA Liaison, and ASSISTT Ground Segment and Framework Code Integrators. This process is expected to show an effective work model for transitioning algorithms from research to operations via the ASSISTT. The presentation shall describe the overall step-by-step process for updating the algorithm software within the GOES-R Ground Segment. Examples of code mapping documents and other supporting process documentation for the software updates to the Cloud Mask algorithm shall be provided.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner