Wednesday, 13 January 2016
The GOES-R Product Readiness and Operations (PRO) team is tasked to work with our partners at the National Weather Service and within NESDIS to ensure that the products (both Level 1 and Level 2) are ready for operations and the user community is ready to receive and disseminate the various products to serve their needs and requirements.
A crucial part of user readiness is testing the capabilities of the GOES-R Ground System: “rehearse like we fly”. This is done through Data Operations Exercises (DOE) that are executed by the Data Operations Team to provide incremental readiness to prepare systems, operators, processes, and teams to support mission operations. The goal is to exercise the entire ground system by processing various data sets from end-to-end, from L0 through L2+, for each instrument. PRO is responsible for ensuring that partners are able to ingest and utilize the simulated data.
This poster will discuss the above exercises as well as our collaborations with our different partners to ensure all users are ready for GOES-R operations.