Thursday, 14 January 2016: 4:30 PM
Room 355 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
(73.2 kB)
With the goal of better serving our core community and in fulfillment of objectives articulated in Unidata 2018: Transforming Geoscience through Innovative Data Services, Unidata has been investigating how its technologies can best take advantage of cloud computing. To this end, we have been employing Docker container technology to streamline building, deploying, and running Unidata technology offerings in cloud-based resources. Specifically, we have created Docker images for the IDV, RAMADDA, THREDDS, and the LDM, and we have been experimenting with these Docker containers in the Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS commercial cloud computing environments. This presentation details the results of our efforts to date, explains how our community may be able to take advantage of progress made thus far, and explores some challenges for the future.
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