Monday, 11 January 2016: 4:30 PM
Room 355 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
The Multiple-Radar / Multiple-Sensor (MRMS) system became operational at the National Center for Environmental Prediction in September 2014. A subset of the products was identified to be transmitted via the NOAA-Port satellite broadcast network. The display hooks for the National Weather Service (NWS) Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System 2 (AWIPS2) were developed for this subset of products. In addition, the NWS Warning Decision Training Division has developed and rolled out training and educational information on the MRMS products and how best to use them in severe weather and flash flood warning operations. Some of the training materials were derived from several experiments conducted with visiting NWS forecasters within the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed. An MRMS Application of the Month webinar series was initiated in 2015, providing a platform where researchers and field meteorologists can provide information on the operational use of MRMS. We will provide a summary of the status of the MRMS operational roll-out, as well as take a look at planned additions to the MRMS product inventory.