Tuesday, 12 January 2016: 3:45 PM
Room 348/349 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Handout (3.2 MB)
The NCAR Research Data Archive (RDA; http://rda.ucar.edu) contains a large and diverse collection of meteorological and oceanographic observations, operational and reanalysis outputs, and remote sensing datasets to support atmospheric and geoscience research. The RDA contains greater than 600 dataset collections which support the varying needs of a diverse user community. The number of RDA users is increasing annually, and the most popular method used to access the RDA data holdings is through web based protocols, such as wget and cURL based scripts. In the year 2014, 11,000 unique users downloaded greater than 1.1 petabytes of data from the RDA, and customized data products were prepared for more than 45,000 user-driven requests.
In order to further support this increase in web download usage, the RDA has implemented the Globus data transfer service (www.globus.org) to provide a GridFTP data transfer option for the user community. The Globus service is broadly scalable, has an easy to install client, is sustainably supported, and provides a robust, efficient, and reliable data transfer option for the research community. This presentation will highlight the technical functionality, challenges, and usefulness of the Globus data transfer service for accessing the RDA holdings.