Wednesday, 13 January 2016: 2:15 PM
La Nouvelle C ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Michael F. Jasinski, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and S. V. Kumar, C. D. Peters-Lidard, K. R. Arsenault, H. Beaudoing, J. Bolten, J. S. Borak, S. J. Kempler, B. Li, Y. Liu, D. M. Mocko, M. Rodell, and B. Vollmer
NCA-LDAS is an integrated terrestrial water analysis system created as an end-to-end enabling tool for sustained assessment and dissemination of terrestrial hydrologic indicators in support of the National Climate Assessment (NCA). The primary features are i) 1/8th degree gridded, daily time series of terrestrial water and energy balance stores, states and fluxes over the continental U.S. focusing on the satellite era (1979-present), ii) development of indicators and estimated trends in our nation's terrestrial hydrology over a wide range of scales and locations, and iii) public dissemination of all forcings and input and output data products through the NCA-LDAS website and the NASA GES-DISC. The ultimate goal is to support sustained assessment of our national terrestrial hydrologic climate for improved scientific understanding, adaptation and management of water resources and related water and energy sectors.
A unique feature is the multivariate assimilation of past and current satellite data products into two NCA-LDAS models; Noah Ver. 3.3 and Catchment Ver. Fortuna 2.5. The satellite environmental data records (EDRs) that have been assimilated into the NCA-LDAS Noah and CLSM models include soil moisture and snow water equivalent from principally microwave sensors such as SMMR, SSM/I, AMSR-E and SMOS, snow covered area from multispectral sensors such as AVHRR, and MODIS, and terrestrial water storage from GRACE. Anticipated new data sets will include AMSR-2 snow depth and soil moisture, VIIRS snow cover, and SMAP L-band brightness temperature.
The Noah and CLSM multivariate assimilation instances above are being used to compute, evaluate, and update the NCA-LDAS water indicators including the principal water budget components and other associated terrestrial stores and fluxes. All NCA-LDAS variables are being made available through the NCA-LDAS website and the NASA GES-DISC, and will be updated annually as new assimilation techniques and EDRs become available.

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