For this presentation, we will describe the capabilities of the analysis system and present results from demonstration activities with researchers and operational forecasters at the 2015 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment and the Aviation Weather Testbed. Synthetic GOES infrared brightness temperatures are generated during each HRRR model forecast cycle using the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) and are then compared to real GOES observations using various statistical methods in order to assess the accuracy of the cloud and moisture fields at each model forecast time. Currently, pixel-based verification metrics are being employed, but work is ongoing to devise applicable neighborhood and object-based verifications metrics. Because forecast skill often varies with space and time, these statistics are computed for pre-defined regions across the contiguous U.S. Forecasters can easily access the satellite-based verification results via an interactive webpage and sort the model forecast accuracy based on a given statistical measure. GOES, and eventually GOES-R, observations are critical for this verification system because they provide unique information about the spatial distribution of water vapor and clouds associated with various hazardous weather phenomena such as severe thunderstorms, winter storms, and turbulence.