GOES-R products demonstrated in the 2015 EWP Spring Experiment included: GOES Sounder TPW, LPW, and Derived Atmospheric Stability Indices using the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Legacy Atmospheric Profile (LAP) algorithm, GOES-R Convective Initiation algorithm, Probability of Severe nowcast model, PGLM Total Lightning products and Lightning Jump algorithm. Additionally, GOES-14 provided the HWT with 1-minute Super Rapid Scan Operations for GOES-R (SRSOR) imagery from May 18 to June 12, illustrating the very high frequency scanning capability of GOES-R. To demonstrate the enhanced value future algorithms will gain from very high temporal resolution satellite imagery, an Overshooting Top Detection algorithm was processed and displayed using the 1-minute satellite data. GOES-14 1-minute imagery was also utilized in the HWT Experimental Forecast Program (EFP) and in Storm Prediction Center (SPC) operations. As a JPSS Proving Ground activity, the NOAA Unique CrIS ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) temperature and moisture profiles were demonstrated using the AWIPS-II NSHARP sounding analysis program.
Results from the GOES-R Proving Ground demonstrations at the 2015 HWT Spring Experiment are presented, including examples of product use and feedback from participants. Comments and examples from the EWP, EFP and SPC regarding the operational utility of 1-minute imagery will also be presented.