Support for GOES-R processing will include generation of Level 1 and Level 2 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) products, Level 2 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) products, and Level 1 products from the space weather instruments. Some of this software is currently available for download and testing, and new and updated software will be rolled out in the coming months.
Himawari-8 processing software is offered to benefit direct broadcast users in the Asia-Pacific region, and to allow users to run algorithms that were developed for GOES-R on data from an instrument that is very similar to ABI.
The project draws on lessons learned through years of distributing software to users of LEO data via the IMAPP and CSPP projects. However a new generation of geostationary satellites brings new challenges related to the higher data rate and constant flow of data. These considerations impact both software design and hardware requirements.
Topics discussed will include the currently available and future software packages, hardware requirements, performance, Level 1 and Level 2 products and project status.