Monday, 23 January 2017
India has undergone rapid industrial and economic development in past two decades. The subcontinent is characterized by high level of air pollution in the natural environment due to combustion of fuels such as biomass, coal, petroleum, which is used for energy purposes. The tropospheric pollutants, greenhouse gases and aerosols play key role in climate change and affect overall well-being of subcontinent. The atmosphere and oceans are warming due to increasing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. The oceans play a key role in the regulation of climate. They store, distribute and dissipate energy from solar radiation and exchange with the atmosphere. In turn, the oceans are affected by the climatic conditions they help to create. In this paper we highlighted and put together the effect of aerosols on sea surface wind, sea surface temperature and sea level pressure over the Indian peninsula.MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) is a cost effective way to monitor and study aerosols effects over an ocean parameters. AOD is found to be increasing rapidly since 2014 that may cause draught condition and also to the human health. The wind has a significant role in AOD and radiative forcing over the Arabian Sea during the summer monsoon. The average surface wind speed observed during the summer monsoon except in the eastern parts of the Arabian Sea is nearly 15 ms−1.Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important parameter in many operational and research activities, ranging from weather forecasting to climate research. The Sea Surface Temperature during the summer monsoon in association with climatological factors observed that SST over WTIO and SETIO was dynamic and strong variation in nature. Sea Level Pressure (SLP) is one of the major elements of climate and it is associated in behavior with other elements. The trend of mean sea level pressure has been increased resulting in anticyclonic activities over the Arabian Sea and Tropical Indian Ocean.