Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
We investigate the impact of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves (CCKWs) on different forms of deep convection and African Easterly Wave (AEW) over tropical North Africa. Past literature suggested that a passage of a Kelvin wave over Africa enhances the development of convective activity and increases the chance for AEW-initiation. However, the amount and the timing of influence of CCKWs is not well understood.
We will present results that illustrate the process how the Kelvin Waves interact with African Easterly Waves and the role of CCKWs on the development of different types of deep convection over tropical Africa and in different seasons. We use a suite of satellite observed and reanalysis products that span the period June-September 1984-2008. We will also present results that indicate CCKWs have a more important influence on precipitation during dry years than wet years. During years with a negative precip anomaly there tends to be a high Kelvin Wave activity indicating that the CCKWs are a potential source for precipitation.