More recent work using the International Satellite Cloud Project and reanalysis products suggested that AEWs are triggered in association with a “transition” process from a smaller and less well organized convective activity into a larger and more well organized mesoscale convective activity. However, the transition process is unclear. Also, the process how the mesoscale convection triggers AEWs is unclear. Further, the large-scale environment and mechanisms that determine AEW-initiation, including the vertical wind shear, requires investigation. In particular, the wave-triggering region in East Africa is composed of complicated high terrain and the effect of topography and diurnal cycle has not been explored in previous studies.
This work revisited the AEW-genesis and their interaction with different types of convection. A suit of multiple satellite observed and reanalysis datasets are used to investigate the AEW-genesis and the direct connection between different types of deep convection and the large-scale dynamics. We will present results that show how the smaller-scale, isolated type of deep convection transition to MCS-type deep convection across Africa. The role of dynamical parameters, including vertical wind shear is investigated. We will present results that show the influence of diurnal variance on convective transitions. Additionally, the atmospheric state during the transitions is investigated using a more direct measure of atmospheric stability, the equivalent potential temperature, and highlights of this result will be presented.