Monday, 23 January 2017
Work is underway to establish a Common Aviation Platform and, in the process, improve information systems at Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs). These offices are responsible for producing 4-dimensional guidance for en-route aircraft in the form of turbulence, icing, clouds, and surface weather forecasts. This work includes enhancing the tools and product formatters forecasters employ to generate icing, turbulence, and other guidance, and supporting other MWOs with experimental digital in-flight information services. These enhancements will focus on improving forecaster efficiency while infusing more science into the MWO forecast process. In support of providing consistent forecasts, this work also includes tasks to support ceiling and visibility grid collaboration between Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs) and Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs).
This presentation will focus on the development and enhancement of in-flight weather capabilities to the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System-II (AWIPS-II) environment including delivery of initial experimental capabilities to the MWOs to produce SIGMET, AIRMET, Volcanic Ash Advisory products in AWIPS II and transition of MWO forecast process to a digital paradigm within AWIPS II including AAWU grid forecast functionality not within AWIPS II.