Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Evidence of large- and very-large-scale motions populating the boundary layer in katabatic flows over steep slopes is presented via direct numerical simulations (DNSs). DNSs are performed at a modified Reynolds number (Rem = 967), considering four sloping angles (α = 60◦, 70◦, 80◦ and 90◦). Large coherent structures prove to be strongly dependent on the inclination of the underlying surface. Spectra and co-spectra consistently show signatures of large-scale motions (LSMs), with streamwise extension on the order of the boundary layer thickness. A second low-wavenumber mode characterizes pre-multiplied spectra and co-spectra when the slope angle is below 70◦, indicative of very-large-scale motions (VLSMs). In addition, conditional sampling and averaging shows how LSMs and VLSMs are induced by counter-rotating roll modes, in agreement with findings from canonical wall-bounded flows. VLSMs contribute to the stream-wise velocity variance and shear stress in the above-jet regions up to 30% and 45% respectively, whereas both LSMs and VLSMs are inactive in the near-wall regions.