In this presentation, an ensemble sensitivity analysis of ETCs is conducted with an idealized version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Using a channel model with full moist physics parameterizations, we examine the response of an idealized ETC to changes in environmental control variables such as temperature, moisture content, and baroclinicity. Simulations are performed at convection-permitting resolutions in order to explicitly include the effect of moist processes rather than relying on a convective parameterization. Results from a set of univariate sensitivity tests are presented, exploring the response of the ETC to changes in a single variable. A diverse set of output metrics (e.g., sea level pressure, average precipitation rates, eddy kinetic energy, and latent heat release) are examined in order to quantify the response of the system. These metrics exhibit greatly varying responses in magnitude for a consistent change in the control variables. Furthermore, the response of some ETC strength metrics to increases in bulk temperature and water vapor content are non-monotonic, indicating that optimal environments exist for ETC development. Finally, we present results of bivariate and multivariate sensitivity tests that more closely simulate future climate conditions by varying two or more control variables simultaneously. In examining this more complex response to changes in a future climate, we explore potential feedbacks within the climate system and provide a physically based assessment of potential future ETC impacts. The result is a set of sensitivity analyses that span a wide range of future climate scenarios while also offering insight into the possible dynamical changes of future ETCs.