Thursday, 26 January 2017: 11:15 AM
620 (Washington State Convention Center )
The NOAA Office of Satellite Ground Systems (OSGS) acquires?, develops, sustains and manages the implementation of satellite data products in support of NOAA’s operational weather and ocean missions. Non-NOAA satellite data are increasingly relied upon by these operational missions. To best meet user needs for non-NOAA satellite data, OSGS is migrating toward Enterprise approaches for the algorithms developed to produce these satellite data products. These enterprise approaches will migrate across current and planned sensor suites, allowing for consistent and streamlined implementation across NOAA.
To ensure, however, that the most critical weather and oceanic user needs are met within this enterprise environment, prioritization of satellite product requirements is essential. This requirement review process is evolving to capture end-to-end product oversight (i.e., from satellite data acquisition to product production and distribution to storage and stewardship) by the NOAA Observing Systems Council while taking advantage of the satellite product development and review processes currently in place. The presentation will provide an overview of NOAA’s progress in enterprise approaches and requirements traceability as OSGS transitions into an enterprise satellite ground architecture.