Handout (2.5 MB)
Recently, researchers have begun investigating how nearby convective storms may affect each other, and particularly how a nearby squall line may impact the evolution of a discrete supercell. Initial modeling results have revealed that the presence of a nearby squall line can lead to subtle changes in supercell intensity and potential severe weather production. These early simulations, however, neglected processes such as solar radiation. The present study seeks to address this aspect of the storm interactions in light of the effects that anvil shading can have on the local environment as described above.
To accomplish this task, numerical simulations including radiative transfer and surface fluxes have been run using the CM1 cloud model to investigate how squall line-induced anvil shading of the PGFE affects the structure, intensity, and development of supercells in that environment. The impact of squall line anvil shading on a supercell depends on several factors: the speed of the squall line, the speed and direction of the supercell’s motion, the maturity of the supercell before it enters the shaded environment, and the ambient environmental wind profile. In this presentation, we will compare the characteristics and evolution of an isolated supercell simulated with anvil shading to a supercell storm that also encounters shading ahead of a simulated squall line. These results will also be compared with companion “clear sky” simulations where effects from radiation and surface fluxes are included, but cloud shading effects are turned off in order to isolate which changes in supercell evolution can be explained by the shading. Particular attention will be paid to how the shading affects gust front and low-level mesocyclone evolution, as well as its effect on simulated severe weather proxies.