Tuesday, 24 January 2017: 4:00 PM
Conference Center: Tahoma 4 (Washington State Convention Center )
NOAA has chosen the GFDL Finite Volume version 3 (FV3) non-hydrostatic atmospheric dynamical core to form the foundation of the Next Generation Global Prediction System. This talk will review the scientific testing regimen that was used to choose FV3 from among five candidate non-hydrostatic dynamical cores under development in the U.S. The focus will be on Phase 2 of the testing, which focused on two dycores, FV3 and NCAR's Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). Computational performance testing, idealized tests with simplified physics, as well as real-world forecast performance tests with the NOAA operational global model physics suite will be discussed. The real-world performance tests include cycled data assimilation tests, retrospective forecast tests from operational analyses, and 90-day integrations with evolving surface conditions. Plans for Phase 3, the implementation of the FV3 dycore in the operational global forecast system (GFS), and the implementation of a community modeling infrastructure for NGPPS, will also be presented.