Here we examine the aerosol number and CCN budget under background conditions in the Amazon basin using data collected during the Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon 2014/5) campaign, which took place from January 2014 to December 2015 near Manaus, Brazil. The aerosol size spectrum was observed at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO), 150 km upwind of Manaus, and its variation with convection and precipitation during the wet season is presented. Air masses arriving at the ATTO during the wet season are typically brought by the northeasterly trade winds and travel across at least 1000 km of undeveloped tropical rainforest, therefore are generally clean. Also shown are vertical profiles of aerosol observed onboard the DOE Gulfstream-1 research aircraft. The impact of convective transport on the budget of boundary layer aerosol and CCN under the background conditions is discussed.