This is a named session for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility. ARM provides the climate research community with strategically located observatories and coordinated aerial measurements designed to provide in-situ and remotely-sensed measurements to improve understanding of clouds and aerosols and their connection to the Earths energy budget. This understanding ultimately targets improved characterization of relevant processes in climate and earth system models. The session will include invited speakers to provide overviews of ARM capabilities in advancing our understanding of aerosol, cloud, precipitation and radiation, as well as speakers positioned to provide unique insights into critical advances spurred on by ARM observations. We solicit papers spanning instrumentation advancements and limitations, observational strategies and errors/uncertainties, and observational analyses to improve process understanding and model/parameterization evaluation. Papers demonstrating observational gaps in improving model parameterization and forecast capabilities and novel integration of observations and models are particularly welcome.