In this work, an uncertainty framework for ground-based DLs is presented. The framework relates sources of lidar turbulence error, such as instrument noise and variance contamination, to physical characteristics of the atmosphere, such as aerosol concentration and spatial heterogeneity. Once sources of error are identified, models can be developed to remove these errors from the lidar-estimated turbulence. The key characteristic of these error models is that they are derived from atmospheric parameters that can be measured by a DL. Thus, rather than using a climatologically averaged model to reduce lidar turbulence error, the models adapt with current flow conditions and can be utilized under different site conditions.
In order to quantify the various error sources at different measurement heights and under different stability conditions, a set of large-eddy simulations (LES) with a virtual lidar tool is utilized. Results from the LES give insight to the most significant error sources under different atmospheric conditions. In addition, the LES is used to develop and test models for uncertainty reduction, leading to further refinement of the lidar uncertainty framework.