Handout (8.1 MB)
This presentation will describe and detail the collaboration efforts in developing a new consistent and centralized Water Resources Monitor and Outlook as a quasi-operational web product. The product includes graphics (maps and plots) which can be generated on the fly, specified through the selection of available user options. A challenge has been to build a system that takes in and stores large datasets on a daily basis from RFCs and allows statistical analysis and generation of products on demand by interface users. This information, presented via a consistent interface and formats across western RFC domains, includes:
improved information, products, services, and tools that enable water resources managers to better manage the resource, improve planning, and help develop more prepared and resilient communities
products generated from real-time hydrologic modeling systems that incorporate hydrometeorological data and short, medium, and long-range weather and climate forecasts
ensemble forecasts, data analysis for both observed and forecast data, and verification tools for a wide range of time periods relevant to water management
information and data to contextualize the existing products
links to integrate the product with other relevant information portals, e.g. the NIDIS Drought Portal
This presentation will also describe the next steps for the project, including stakeholder engagement and development of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) outlooks for water resource managers. During FY17, stakeholder engagement guided by a social scientist on the team will introduce the WRMO and products to stakeholders involved in the the NIDIS California-Nevada and Colorado River Basin Drought Early Warning Systems (DEWS), and test and refine designs for tools. We will evaluate success by tracking and documenting the use, non-use, and intended use of the products in policy planning exercises—such as the development of risk scenarios—and integration of this information into long term planning and management decisions. This information on evaluation and feedback will be used to refine the products. Finally the team will begin the development of an S2S outlook product for water managers, with the goal to provide predictions of cool season accumulated precipitation in the key regional watersheds important for water resources. While this product will be based on existing CPC products, we anticipate that it will be a multi-year applied research and development effort.