Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 10:45 AM
Room 17B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Mali, Niger, and Senegal are located on the western side of the Meningitis Belt, a section of northern Africa that experiences endemic levels of meningitis during the dry seasons (January-April). Likewise, these west African countries can also be exposed to unhealthy levels of particulate matter due to dust storm-related influxes of Saharan dust. The previously mentioned issues prompt us to investigate the relationship between air quality and suspected meningitis cases in this region. Currently, there is little known about the annual and monthly trends associated with these environmental variables during the dry seasons. To establish relationships between air quality and suspected meningitis cases in west Africa, we analyze and present: PM10 surface observations used in Marticorena et al (2010) and Diokhane et al (2016); aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from NASA’s MODIS-Terra Deep Blue product and the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET); and suspected meningitis case data from World Health Organization archives. All data are from dry seasons between 2006 and 2012. Our study focuses on the west African countries of Mali, Niger, and Senegal. Results regarding annual and monthly dry season relationships between PM10, AOD, and suspected meningitis cases in west Africa will be presented. This research can potentially contribute to existing literature regarding the prediction of meningitis spread due to environmental variables.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner