Presidential Forum
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
David J. Raymond Symposium
Thursday, 11 January
Dave Raymond Named Symposium—Session I8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Dave Raymond Named Symposium—Session II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Dave Raymond Named Symposium—Session III1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Dave Raymond Named Symposium—Session IV3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Robert T. Ryan Symposium
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Bob's Legacy and TV Weather History8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Bob's Legacy Continued: Mentoring and AMS Involvement10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
More Topics in Communication2:00 PM-2:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Best Practices and Innovations in Social Media2:45 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Late PM
Communication Then and Now4:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Peter J. Webster Symposium
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Overview of Peter Webster's Contributions (Invited Presentation)8:30 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Air–Sea Interactions and Tropical Cyclones (Invited Presentations)9:00 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Tropical Dynamics and Waves (Invited Presentations)10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
Predictability and Prediction (Invited Presentations)1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Monsoons (Invited Presentations)2:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Late PM
Concluding Remarks from Peter Webster3:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Air–Sea Interactions and Tropical Cyclones Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Tropical Convection and Waves Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Predictability and Prediction Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Monsoons Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
46th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Bob's Legacy and TV Weather History8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Bob's Legacy Continued: Mentoring and AMS Involvement10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
More Topics in Communication2:00 PM-2:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Best Practices and Innovations in Social Media2:45 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Late PM
Communication Then and Now4:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Forecasting and Weather Observing8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Television Meteorologists as Educators8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
The Past, Present, and Future of TV Weather Broadcasting10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Special Session on GOES-R10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Station Scientist Session1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Partnerships to Enhance Public Health Communications by Broadcast Meteorologists1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Communicating Meteorology and Climate Change8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating Effectively through Social Media and Blogs10:30 AM-11:15 AM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Shifting Paradigms: Communicating Space Weather through Social and Broadcast Media11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Recent Weather Events and Weather Phenomena11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Broadcast Meteorologists Leading as Climate Change Communicators1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
From Vulnerable to Resilient: Leveraging the Role of Communication1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
34th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Quasi-Operational Products You Can Use Now, Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Services Update8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Quasi-Operational Products You Can Use Now, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Disseminating Earth Science and Climate Information for Better Decision Making, Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
International Applications: Making Environmental Hazard Science Useful, Usable, and Used2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Disseminating Earth Science and Climate Information for Better Decision Making, Part II2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Development and Communication of High-Resolution, Ensemble Forecast Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Data in, Information Out: Crowdsourcing and Other Tools for Data Gathering8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Weather and Roads—from Observations to Actionable Information, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Software Engineering and Cyberinfrastructure10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Weather and Roads—from Observations to Actionable Information, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Early PM
Visualization Techniques for Climatology and Meteorology1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Cloud Computing1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
AWIPS System Updates, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
AWIPS System Updates, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Mapping and GIS for Weather and Climate1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Radar Technologies and Applications, Part I8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Adding Value to Weather and Water Forecasts through Communication via APIs and Web Services10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Radar Technologies and Applications, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Radar Technologies and Applications, Part III1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
32nd Conference on Hydrology
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Hydrometeorological Extremes for Hydrologic Design8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Advancing the Use of Earth Observations to Benefit Global Food Security and Agriculture8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Drought Analysis and Prediction, Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Precipitation Processes and Observations for Atmospheric, Land Surface, and Hydrological Modeling, Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Drought Analysis and Prediction, Part II2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Precipitation Processes and Observations for Atmospheric, Land Surface, and Hydrological Modeling, Part II2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Advancing the Use of Earth Observations to Benefit Global Food Security and Agriculture4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Drought Analysis and Prediction4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Hydrometeorological Extremes for Hydrologic Design4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Precipitation Processes and Observations for Atmospheric, Land Surface, and Hydrological Modeling4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Severe Precipitation Detection, Estimation, Forecast and Hydrometeorological Applications, Posters4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Severe Precipitation Detection, Estimation, Forecast and Hydrometeorological Applications8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Hydrometeorological Extremes, Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
The Role of Atmospheric Rivers in Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 1 (ACC)
Early PM
Hydrometeorological Extremes—Part II1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions—Part III1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Advances in Evaporation and Evaporative Demand3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Hydrometeorological Extremes3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Advances in Evaporation and Evaporative Demand8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Advances in the Application of Land Surface Observations and Land Data Assimilation Techniques10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Decision-Making by Water Utilities: Using Climate/Weather Information in Short- and Long-Term Planning2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Coupled Processes of Atmosphere, Land, and Hydrology Prediction Models2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Advances in the Application of Land Surface Observations and Land Data Assimilation Techniques3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Decision-Making by Water Utilities: Using Climate/Weather Information in Short- and Long-Term Planning3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Monsoons of the Americas: Advancing Understanding and Improving Prediction through Observations and Models3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Coupled Processes of Atmosphere, Land, and Hydrology Prediction Models3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Snow Hydrology Applications Through Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Data Assimilation, Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Local and Regional Response in the Water Cycle Due to Urbanization, Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Multiprocesses Analysis and Modeling, and Product Application in Arid and Semiarid Regions, Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Local and Regional Response in the Water Cycle Due to Urbanization8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Monsoons of the Americas: Advancing Understanding and Improving Prediction through Observations and Models8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Multiprocesses Analysis, Modeling, and Product Application in Arid and Semiarid Regions10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Snow Hydrology Applications Through Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Data Assimilation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis, Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis, Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
31st Conference on Climate Variability and Change
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Decadal–Multidecadal Variability (Predictability) in the Atlantic8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Role of Water in Shaping Features of the Climate System10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Decadal–Multidecadal Variability (Predictability) in the Pacific10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
The Climate Science Special Report2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
ENSO Dynamics, Diversity, Prediction, and Impacts—Part I2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session I4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
ENSO Dynamics, Diversity, Prediction, and Impacts—Part II8:30 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Convection-Resolving/Eddy-Permitting Climate Modeling8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Variability and Change in Jets and Storm Tracks—Part I9:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Climate Sensitivity—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Variability and Change in Jets and Storm Tracks—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Early PM
Climate Sensitivity—Part II1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Climate Variations on Intraseasonal Time Scales1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions—Part III1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Structure and Evolution of Climate Teleconnections in Observations & Simulations3:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
African Climate Variations and Change—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Arctic Climate Variability and Change—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Arctic Climate Variability and Change—Part II10:30 AM-11:00 AM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Machine Learning and Climate Studies10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
African Climate Variations and Change—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Role of the Stratosphere in Climate Variability and Change11:00 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
African Climate Variations and Change—Part III1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Atmospheric Rivers and Other Extreme Climate Events—Part I1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Jay Fein's Legacy—Part I1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session III3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Monsoons of the Americas: Advancing Understanding and Improving Prediction through Observations and Models3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Variability and Change in the Tropical Circulation—Part I: The Hadley Circulation8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Atmospheric Rivers and Other Extreme Climate Events—Part II8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Jay Fein's Legacy—Part II8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Monsoons of the Americas: Advancing Understanding and Improving Prediction through Observations and Models8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Variability and Change in the Tropical Circulation Part II: Precipitation/ITCZ10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 616 AB (Hilton)
Atmospheric Rivers and Other Extreme Climate Events—Part III10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon F (Hilton)
Piers Sellers' Legacy—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Predictability and Evaluation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Modes of Climate Variability—Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: 406 (Hilton)
Atmospheric Rivers and Other Extreme Climate Events—Part IV1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: 408 (Hilton)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Piers Sellers' Legacy—Part II2:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Piers Sellers' Legacy—Part III3:30 PM-4:45 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Predictability and Evaluation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Modes of Climate Variability—Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: 406 (Hilton)
Emerging Surprises in Climate Change3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: 408 (Hilton)
Variability of Regional Hydroclimate, Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
27th Symposium on Education
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Using Alternative Presentation Formats to Inform Your Audience8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Active Learning Demonstrations from the Atmospheric Sciences10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Pre-College Education Initiatives2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session I—Education4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Television Meteorologists as Educators8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Effective Strategies for Increasing Minority Participation in the Atmospheric Sciences10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Early PM
Research Relevant to the Teaching and Learning of Atmospheric Science1:30 PM-2:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Planning the Future of the Symposium on Education2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session II—Outreach3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Outreach and Broader Impacts8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
University Education Initiatives10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Innovative Teaching Strategies in University Instruction on Atmospheric Dynamics1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom C (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session III—Broader Impacts3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
25th Conference on Probability and Statistics
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Ensemble and Multimodel Forecasting — Part I: Representation of Model Uncertainty8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Ensemble and Multimodel Forecasting — Part II: Methods and Practice10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Verification and Validation — Part I: Communicating Probabilistic Information and Predictive Skill2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Monday Poster Session4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Development and Communication of High-Resolution, Ensemble Forecast Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Ensemble and Multimodel Forecasting — Part III: S2S8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Machine Learning and Statistics in Data Science10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Verification and Validation — Part II: High Resolution10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Early PM
Verification and Validation — Part III: Decision Support/Process Oriented1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Communicating Uncertainty: Progress and Outstanding Challenges in the NOAA Testbeds1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Tuesday Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Statistics and Artificial Intelligence8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Ensemble and Statistical Post-Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine-Learning for Decision Support10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Verification and Validation — Part IV: S2S, Extreme Value, and Climate1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session - Wed3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Early PM
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis, Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Probabilistic Hydrometeorological Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis, Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Advances in Data Assimilation8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Current and Future Observing Systems10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Data Assimilation in Coupled Process Models2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Data Assimilation: Advances in Methodologies4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs), Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Early PM
Data Assimilation: Advances in Methodologies, Part I1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions—Part III1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Land Surface–Atmosphere Interactions3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
OSSEs, Observation Sensitivity and Impact Experiments3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Observing Systems, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Observing Systems, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Advances in the Application of Land Surface Observations and Land Data Assimilation Techniques10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Data Assimilation: Advances in Methodologies, Part II1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Advances in the Application of Land Surface Observations and Land Data Assimilation Techniques3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Observing Systems and Numerical Simulations3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Data Assimilation: Advances in Methodologies, Part III8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Data Assimilation: Advances in Methodologies, Part IV10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Early On-Orbit Results of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Observation Sensitivity and Impact Experiments, Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Observation Sensitivity and Impact Experiments, Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Special Session on JPSS8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating the Value of Satellite Data to the Public10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Direct Broadcast Capabilities for Polar-Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites and Their Use in Support of Societal Needs2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Satellite Testbeds and Proving Ground Activities3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
National and International Program Overviews for Environmental Satellites (Invited)8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Observing System Concepts8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Special Session on GOES-R10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Enabling Technologies and Their Maturation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Early PM
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
NOAA Satellite Data Operations1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Earth Observing SmallSats: The New Normal1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
SatMETOC Poster Session I3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Water Vapor, Clouds, and Precipitation from Satellite Observations—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Water Vapor, Clouds, and Precipitation from Satellite Observations—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Atmospheric and Surface Winds from Satellite Observations1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
SatMETOC Poster Session II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Observations of Surface and Boundary Layer from Satellites8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Radio Spectrum Management Role in Meteorology and Hydrology8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Satellite Studies of Severe Weather Events10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Early On-Orbit Results of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Atmospheric Soundings from Satellites1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Satellite Climatology and Data Reprocessing1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Advanced Satellite Data Applications3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
21st Atmospheric Science Librarians International Conference
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Welcome8:45 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
AMS Update9:00 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
MGA Update9:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Opening Keynote Presentation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
International Perspectives and Observation2:00 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Late PM
ASLI Book Awards3:30 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Social Gathering8:30 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Keynote Address9:00 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Librarians Responding to Changes and Challenges10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Early PM
Libraries’ and Librarians’ Innovative Responses to Changes1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
ASLI Business Meeting3:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 3 (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
21st Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Core Science Talk Reviewing the State of the Art of Cloud Seeding8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Review of Winter Orographic Cloud Seeding9:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Winter Orographic Clouds Physical Measurements10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Early PM
Winter Orographic Modeling and Evaluation of Seeding Potential in Wyoming1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Tuesday Poster Session for the 21st Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification Conference3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Climate Engineering and Inadvertent Weather Modification8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Recent Developments in Understanding Natural Cloud Processes and Aerosol–Cloud Interactions Relevant to Weather Modification10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Applications of Numerical Models to Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification Topics1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday Poster Session for 21st Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification Conference3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Physical Evidence of Cloud Seeding Effects and General Weather Modification Aspects—Part I8:30 AM-9:15 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Physical Evidence of Cloud Seeding Effects and General Weather Modification Aspects—Part II10:30 AM-11:15 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Early PM
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Late PM
20th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Land Surface Conditions and Atmospheric Composition8:45 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Soil Dust I: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate8:45 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Measurement and Modeling of Atmospheric Ammonia—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry—Part I9:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Measurement and Modeling of Atmospheric Ammonia—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Impacts of Aerosol–Cloud Interaction on Radiation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Soil Dust II: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Core Science Keynotes2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Late PM
Soil Dust III: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
20ATMChem Poster Session I4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Atmospheric Composition and Modeling—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
The ATom Mission—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Atmospheric Composition and Modeling—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
The ATom Mission—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Early PM
Atmospheric Composition and Modeling—Part III1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
The ATom Mission—Part III1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 9 C (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Regional Air Quality Observations and Modeling—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Regional Air Quality Observations and Modeling—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part I: Use of Satellite Observations for Air Quality Applications1:30 PM-3:15 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Atmospheric Composition and Modeling—Part IV1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Late PM
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part II: Topics Involving Atmospheric Bioaerosols3:15 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
20ATMChem Poster Session II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
The ATom Mission—Part IV8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part III: Quantification of Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Greenhouse Gases—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part IV: Topics of Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution Meteorology10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Greenhouse Gases—Part II1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Joint Session with Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part V: Air Quality Impacts on Society and the Environment Involving Ozone1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Natural Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Emissions through Impacts -Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Greenhouse Gases—Part III3:30 PM-4:45 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Natural Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Emissions through Impacts—Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
20th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Emerging Technologies in Atmospheric Dispersion and Air Pollution Modeling8:45 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
CMAAP and Air Pollution Meteorology Award Ceremony9:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Specialized Applications: Emergency Response, Defense, and Air Transportation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Joint Session with the AMS Board on the Urban Environment. Part I: Urban Flow and Dispersion Processes and Modeling2:00 PM-3:15 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Late PM
Joint Session with the AMS Board on the Urban Environment. Part II: Urban Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Joint Session with the AMS Board on the Urban Environment — Part III: Microclimate and Air Quality Ad in EU Cities: Results from the EU-Iscape Project8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Methods and Studies Associated with Source Attribution and Chemical/Meteorological Data Assimilation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Assessments of Air Pollution Exposure Variability and Health10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
Modeling and Prediction of Weather and Dispersion in Mountainous and Complex Terrain Environments1:15 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Joint Session with the Committee on Coastal Environment: Air Pollution and Meteorology in Coastal Environments2:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Operational Air Quality Predictions and Prediction Systems8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Observational Studies10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part I: Use of Satellite Observations for Air Quality Applications1:30 PM-3:15 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Late PM
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part II: Topics Involving Atmospheric Bioaerosols3:15 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part III: Quantification of Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part IV: Topics of Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution Meteorology10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Joint Session with Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. Part V: Air Quality Impacts on Society and the Environment Involving Ozone1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: 412 (Hilton)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
19th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Intercomparison and Calibration of Instruments I8:45 AM-10:15 AM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Intercomparison and Calibration of Instruments II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Innovative Measurements2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Network Design and Accuracy8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Use of UAVs for Atmospheric Research That Includes Discussions on Platforms, Instrumentation, Regulations, and Science—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Early PM
Use of UAVs for Atmospheric Research That Includes Discussions on Platforms, Instrumentation, Regulations, and Science II1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters: 19th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation (19SMOI)3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Integrated Instrumentation and Observing Systems for All Applications8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere II1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Specialized Instrumentation8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Field Projects I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Field Projects II1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
All Aspects of Observations (including New Observations and Physical Parameterizations)3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
17th Annual Student Conference
Saturday, 6 January
Registration for Short Courses and Student Conference7:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Student Conference Breakfast8:00 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Welcoming Remarks9:00 AM-10:10 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Student Conference AM Break10:10 AM-10:25 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Public Sector10:25 AM-11:10 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Media10:25 AM-11:10 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Academia and Research10:25 AM-11:10 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Private Sector10:25 AM-11:10 AM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Public Sector11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Media11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Academia and Research11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Breakout Panel Session: Private Sector11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Early PM
Student Conference Luncheon12:00 PM-1:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Introduction to Conversations with Professionals1:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Conversation with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 13AB (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Conversations with Professionals1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Graduate Student Panel (Rotations 1,2)1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Graduate Student Panel (Rotations 3,4,5)1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Graduate School Admissions Panel1:35 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Late PM
Student Conference PM Break3:45 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Integrated Warning Team I: Introduction to Emergency Management (Part 1)4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Resume Workshop, Part I4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
AMS Career Fair5:30 PM-7:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Sunday, 7 January
Student Conference Breakfast8:00 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto and Presidential Forum Speaker Richard Alley8:30 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Extreme Weather Events9:00 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Student Conference AM Break 19:30 AM-9:45 AM,
Navigating Graduate School9:45 AM-10:40 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Building Professional Relationships9:45 AM-10:40 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Essential Skills for Effective Science Communication9:45 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Presentation Styles for All Situations10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
The Choices One Must Make When Writing Effectively10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
You've Got an Audience, Now Keep Your Audience!10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Student Conference AM Break 210:40 AM-10:50 AM,
Tools of the Trade10:50 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Social Media and Communication10:50 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Student Conference AM Break 311:45 AM-12:00 PM,
Early PM
Keynote Speaker12:00 PM-12:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Closing Remarks and Poster Session Announcements12:30 PM-12:35 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Student Conference Lunch Break (On Your Own)12:35 PM-2:00 PM,
Integrated Warning Team II: In Their Rainboots Workshop2:00 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Resume Workshop II: Resume and CV Review2:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Broadcast Tape Swap2:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Writing Workshop2:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
AMS Career Fair6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Student Conference Poster Session6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols, and Air Quality6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Climate6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Local Meteorology and Fire Weather6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Mesoscale Meteorology, Lightning, and Radar6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Numerical Weather Prediction6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Observations and Instrumentation6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Social Science, Communication, and Education6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Synoptic Meteorology6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Tropical Meteorology6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Water, Ecosystems, and Agriculture6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Early PM
Late PM
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
17th Conf on Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
AI Techniques Applied to Environmental Science: Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
AI Techniques for Environmental Science and Extreme Weather10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
AI Techniques for Decision Support2:00 PM-3:15 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Late PM
AI Applications to the Environment in Private Companies and Public−Private Partnerships3:30 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
AI Techniques for Numerical Weather Predictions8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Machine Learning and Statistics in Data Science10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Early PM
State of Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science Applications2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Preview of the Artificial and Computational Intelligence and Its Applications to the Environmental Sciences Poster Session3:00 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 7 (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Statistics and Artificial Intelligence8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing for Weather Predictions8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Machine Learning and Climate Studies10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Health Early Warning Systems: Use of Novel Technologies and Associated Costs, Benefits, and Best Practices1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Coastal Environment1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Late PM
Thursday, 11 January
Machine Learning Applications in the Energy Sector10:30 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Early PM
Late PM
16th Symposium on the Coastal Environment
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Creating and Communicating Medium- to Long-Term Forecasts and Uncertainty in the Coastal Environment8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Novel Observational Techniques for the Coastal Environment10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Regional and Coastal Hydrodynamic Model Coupling—Part I2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Regional and Coastal Hydrodynamic Model Coupling—Part II3:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Case studies—Part I9:00 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Case Studies—Part II10:30 AM-11:30 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Early PM
Flood Resilience: End-to-End Predictive Model Architectures, from Research to Operations to Applications and Services—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Joint Session with the Committee on Coastal Environment: Air Pollution and Meteorology in Coastal Environments2:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Salon G (Hilton)
Flood Resilience: End-to-End Predictive Model Architectures, from Research to Operations to Applications and Services—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
High-Performance Computing Applications in the Coastal Zone10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Coastal Environment1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Late PM
16th History Symposium
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Historical Weather and Climate Events, Forecasting, and Public Communication and Impacts—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Historical Weather and Climate Events, Forecasting, and Public Communication and Impacts—Part II10:30 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
History of Observations and Measurements2:00 PM-3:15 PM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Late PM
Notable Women and Minority Figures in Atmospheric Science3:30 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
15th Conference on Space Weather
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Observational Platforms for Space Weather—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Results from the Great American Solar Eclipse10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Observational Platforms for Space Weather—Part II2:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Space Weather Posters I4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Next Steps in Space Weather Research and Forecasting8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Major Scientific Challenges in Space Weather—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Early PM
Observational Platforms for Space Weather—Part III1:30 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Major Scientific Challenges in Space Weather—Part II8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Impact of Space Weather on Communication10:30 AM-11:15 AM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Shifting Paradigms: Communicating Space Weather through Social and Broadcast Media11:15 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Special Session on JPSS8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating the Value of Satellite Data to the Public10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Direct Broadcast Capabilities for Polar-Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites and Their Use in Support of Societal Needs2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Satellite Testbeds and Proving Ground Activities3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
GOES-R/JPSS Poster Session I4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
National and International Program Overviews for Environmental Satellites (Invited)8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Special Session on GOES-R10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
NOAA Satellite Data Operations1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
GOES-R/JPSS Poster Session II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture Study—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture Study—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Education, Training, and User Readiness for GOES-R and JPSS—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Education, Training, and User Readiness for GOES-R and JPSS—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Algorithm Development and New Science Innovation—Part I8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: 410 (Hilton)
Enterprise Ground Architectures and the Research to Operations Process: Tools, Technologies, and Experience8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Algorithm Development and New Science Innovation—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 410 (Hilton)
Tailoring the Presentation of Environmental Intelligence to Address the Needs of Scientists, Decision Makers, Students, and the General Public10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Calibration and Validation—Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: 410 (Hilton)
Special Topics1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Calibration and Validation—Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: 410 (Hilton)
13th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Defining User Needs for Water Prediction Priority Products and Services Using Social Science8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 6B (ACC)
Transforming Communication through Co-Production of Knowledge8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Advancing the Use of Earth Observations to Benefit Global Food Security and Agriculture8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Federal Agency Budgets for Weather, Water, and Climate: A Guide to Current Proposals and Recent Shifts10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 6B (ACC)
Transforming Communication through Co-Production of Knowledge II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Communicating the Value of Satellite Data to the Public10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Communicating Weather Information with a Focus on NWS Applications2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Building Resilience to Weather and Climate Extremes Across Scales2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 6B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Advancing the Use of Earth Observations to Benefit Global Food Security and Agriculture4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Addressing The Audience: Communicating Effectively to Users of Weather and Climate Data and Information8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Individual Responses to Extreme Weather10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Inspiring Engagement for Climate Resilience10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 6B (ACC)
Early PM
Communicating Uncertainty: Progress and Outstanding Challenges in the NOAA Testbeds1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Addressing The Audience II: Communicating Effectively to Users of Weather and Climate Data and Information1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 6B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Societal Application Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Communicating about High Impact Weather: Warnings and Understanding Your Audience8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating about High Impact Weather: Uncertainty and Decision-Making10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Indoor Heat Exposure: Measurements, Impacts, and Solutions10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
From Vulnerable to Resilient: Leveraging the Role of Communication1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Decision-Making by Water Utilities: Using Climate/Weather Information in Short- and Long-Term Planning2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Decision-Making by Water Utilities: Using Climate/Weather Information in Short- and Long-Term Planning3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Observations, Decision-Making and Modeling Capabilities at the Weather, Climate, and Society Interface8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Policy and Decision-Making at the Weather, Climate, and Society Interface10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Hazardous Weather Risk Assessment and Impacts1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
10th Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Cloud-Radiation Interactions of Absorbing Aerosols—Part I8:45 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Soil Dust I: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate8:45 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Impacts of Aerosol–Cloud Interaction on Radiation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Soil Dust II: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Core Science Keynotes2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Late PM
Cloud-Radiation Interactions of Absorbing Aerosols—Part II3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Soil Dust III: Lofting, Transport, Characterization, and Interactions with Clouds and Climate3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions Posters I4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Aerosol Deep Convection Interaction8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in High Latitudes10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Early PM
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Observation and Models—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Observations and Models—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions Posters II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Observations and Models—Part III8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Climate Engineering and Inadvertent Weather Modification8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Aerosol Impacts on Weather and Dynamics—Part I10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Aerosol Impacts on Weather and Dynamics—Part II1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions Posters III3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Shallow Clouds—Part I8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Shallow Clouds—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Natural Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Emissions through Impacts -Part I1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Natural Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Emissions through Impacts—Part II3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Ninth Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
New Projects and Opportunities for Renewable Energy Research8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2): Part I
10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2): Part II2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Monday Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
New Methods for Wind Forecasting8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating Information and Risk in the Energy Sector10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
MJO Impacts on Global Weather and the Energy Sector10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Early PM
Wind and Solar Forecasting2:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Tuesday Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Verification and Validation on the Subseasonal to Seasonal Time Scale to support the National Earth System Prediction Capability8:15 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Wind Resource Assessment10:30 AM-11:30 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
9ENERGY Town Hall: Communicating Energy Information in the State of Texas: Best Practices and Lessons Learned12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Resilient Business Decisions in the Midst of Weather and Climate Uncertainty1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Late PM
Thursday, 11 January
Operational and Financial Considerations in the Energy Sector8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Machine Learning Applications in the Energy Sector10:30 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Renewable Energy in Austin: A Regional Leader with the AMS Committee on Environmental Stewardship1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Big Data Analytics Providing Decision Support3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Ninth Conference on Environment and Health
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Innovations in Climate and Health Education8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Climate Change and Health10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Health and Air Quality Models and Decisions2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session Monday4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Vectorborne Diseases: From Basic Research to Early Warning8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Assessments of Air Pollution Exposure Variability and Health10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
Partnerships to Enhance Public Health Communications by Broadcast Meteorologists1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Demystifying Public–Private Partnerships for Predictions in Public Health—Invited Papers Only2:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Poster Session - Tuesday3:45 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Advances in Modeling and Observational Approaches for Heat Health8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Indoor Heat Exposure: Measurements, Impacts, and Solutions10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Health Early Warning Systems: Use of Novel Technologies and Associated Costs, Benefits, and Best Practices1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Informing Heat-Health Practitioners to Reduce Risk through Impact-Based Decision Support1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Eighth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Advances in Satellite Observations for Earth Science and Observing Technologies—Part I2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Health and Air Quality Models and Decisions2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
Research to Operations: Selected Student Presentations3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
8th Research to Operations (8R2O)—Poster Session4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Advances in Satellite Observations for Earth Science and Observing Technologies—Part II8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
National and International Program Overviews for Environmental Satellites (Invited)8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Communicating Information and Risk in the Energy Sector10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
Early PM
Significant Role of Calibration/Validation for the Transition of Research to Operations1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
8th Research to Operations (8R2O)—Poster Session II3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Considerations and Best Practices for the Transition of Research to Operations8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
8th Research to Operations (8R2O)—Poster Session III3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Commercial and Institute Activities Enabling the Transition of Research into Operations8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: 406 (Hilton)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Earth Science Product, Model and Algorithm Improvements for Transitions of R2O/O2R in Weather, Water, and Climate Applications10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 406 (Hilton)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Eighth Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Opening Remarks and Core Science Keynote.8:45 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Working With Large and Complex Datasets.9:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Model Data Fusion10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Data and Visualization Tools2:00 PM-3:30 PM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters 14:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Building Knowledge Using Python8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Modeling Using Python10:45 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Early PM
Geospatial Tools1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Panel Session: Show Me Your Stack!2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 8 ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters 23:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Sixth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Hope is Not a Plan: Communication for Community Resilience8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Nationwide Network of Networks10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
WAS*IS in Action2:00 PM-2:15 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
The AMS Student Experience at the Washington Forum2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Valuing Climate Information and Networks for Improved Planning and Preparedness2:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Nationwide Network of Networks—Poster Sessions4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Development and Communication of High-Resolution, Ensemble Forecast Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
The New Weather Enterprise: Toward Better Public, Private, and Academic Collaborations9:00 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 1 (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Public–Private Partnership Opportunities for National Meteorological and Hydrometeorological Service Modernization10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
The Role of Atmospheric Rivers in Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 1 (ACC)
MJO Impacts on Global Weather and the Energy Sector10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Early PM
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Demystifying Public–Private Partnerships for Predictions in Public Health—Invited Papers Only2:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 5ABC (ACC)
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Sixth Symposium on Building a Weather-Ready Nation: Enhancing Our Nation
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Better Communication through Social Media8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Defining “Vulnerability”: When One Size Fits None10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Effective Communication and Partnership Techniques to Effect Change in Preparedness Behavior2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
The Future of Predictive Services in America—Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
The Future of Predictive Services in America: Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Early PM
Two Sessions in One: Uncertainty, Risk, and Decision-Making (Part I) and International Community Contributions on Weather-Ready Nation-Like Efforts —Part II1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Weather-Ready Nation Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Effective Tropical Communication Techniques for Improved Preparedness8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Promoting Consistency in Communications and Better Understanding User Needs10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Two Sessions in One: Hazard Simplification (Part I) and Awesome Collaboration Efforts (Part II)1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Informing Heat-Health Practitioners to Reduce Risk through Impact-Based Decision Support1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Impact-Based Decision Support Services: Climate and Health8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Creating a Weather-Ready Nation "For All"10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Impact-Based Decision Support Services: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS) Innovation and Best Practices3:30 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom E (ACC)
Sixth AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Special Session on JPSS8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Communicating the Value of Satellite Data to the Public10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
Direct Broadcast Capabilities for Polar-Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites and Their Use in Support of Societal Needs2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Satellite Testbeds and Proving Ground Activities3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
National and International Program Overviews for Environmental Satellites (Invited)8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Special Session on GOES-R10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Early PM
NOAA Satellite Data Operations1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon H (Hilton)
Late PM
Wednesday, 10 January
Assimilation of Satellite Data to Improve Forecasts of Land Surfaces, Oceans, and Air Quality8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Development of Innovative Methods for Assimilating Satellite Observations in Environmental Analysis and Prediction10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Early PM
2018 Horton Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Assessment of the Impact of Satellite Data on Numerical Weather Predictions Skill—Part I1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Assessment of the Impact of Satellite Data on Numerical Weather Predictions Skill—Part II2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session for the Sixth AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Early PM
Late PM
Sixth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals
Sunday, 7 January
Registration7:30 AM-8:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto and Presidential Forum Speaker Richard Alley8:30 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Welcome and Networking with Your Peers9:00 AM-9:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Essential Skills for Effective Science Communication9:45 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Presentation Styles for All Situations10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
The Choices One Must Make When Writing Effectively10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
You've Got an Audience, Now Keep Your Audience!10:15 AM-11:45 AM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Conference for Early Career Professionals Lunch Break (On Your Own)11:45 AM-1:00 PM,
Early PM
Panel Discussion: Implicit Bias in the Sciences: Communication Strategies1:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Conflict Resolution In the Workplace1:30 PM-2:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Panel Discussion: Future State of Jobs in the Sciences2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Presidential Coffee Break and Networking with AMS Professionals3:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 12A (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
98th Annual Review, New Fellows, Featured Awards and Business Meeting5:15 PM-6:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
American Weather and Climate Industry Association (AWCIA) and Early Career Professionals Reception7:00 PM-9:30 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Panel Discussion: Effective Resume Building8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Perspectives on Leadership for Early Career Professionals10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Early PM
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Best Practices and Innovations in Social Media2:45 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Late PM
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Sixth Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
BSISO and Monsoon Variability8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Dynamics and Physics of the MJO10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Late PM
MJO Propagation through the Maritime Continent3:15 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
6MJO Poster Session4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
MJO Impacts on Global Weather and the Energy Sector10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 2 (ACC)
Early PM
Late PM
Sixth Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Assessing or Mitigating Weather Observation Uncertainty8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Advancing Forecast Capabilities for Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Decision Support10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Breaking the Mold: Leveraging New Data, Capabilities, and Practices in Support of Evolving Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Operations2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Hazard Detection, Decision Support, and Policy Advancements4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Fourth Symposium on High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Early PM
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Late PM
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Advances in Software Environments and Tools for Exploiting High Performance Computing (HPC)8:30 AM-9:30 AM, ACC: Room 10C (ACC)
Challenges for Weather, Water, and Climate Modeling at Exascale10:30 AM-11:30 AM, ACC: Room 10C (ACC)
Early PM
Late PM
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones, Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing for Weather Predictions8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Flood Prediction, Analysis, High Performance Computing, Decision Support, Management, and Tropical Cyclones, Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
High-Performance Computing Applications in the Coastal Zone10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 12B (ACC)
Early PM
Late PM
Thursday, 11 January
Third Symposium on Multi-scale Predictability: Data-model Integration and Uncertainty Quantification for Climate and Earth System Monitoring and Prediction
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Model Physics Uncertainty8:45 AM-10:15 AM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Paleoclimate Analysis and Projection10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Data Assimilation, Reanalysis and Data–Model Integration2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session - Monday4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Land Surface and Hydrology10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Early PM
Earth System and Beyond1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Poster Session—Tuesday3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Third Symposium on Special Sessions on US-International Partnerships
Thursday, 11 January
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Walter Orr Roberts Lecture1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
Successes, Opportunities, and Challenges in Weather, Water, and Climate-Related Communication across National Borders in Bilateral Cooperation1:30 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom B (ACC)
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
First Conference on Earth Observing SmallSats
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part I8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Advances in CubeSats and SmallSats to Improve Earth Science, Weather Forecasting, Space Weather Prediction, Hydrology Studies, or Climate Monitoring—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Early PM
Late PM
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Observing System Concepts8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Enabling Technologies and Their Maturation10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Early PM
Earth Observing SmallSats: The New Normal1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 9AB (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Earth Observing SmallSats Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Major Weather Events and Impacts of 2017
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Monday, 8 January
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Major Impacts of 2017 - Drought/Wildfire8:45 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Major Weather Impacts of 2017 - Cool Season Events10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Early PM
2018 Haurwitz Lecture2:00 PM-3:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Major Impacts of 2017 - Warm Season Events2:00 PM-4:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Late PM
Major Weather Impacts of 2017 Poster Session4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Ryan Symposium Reception8:00 PM-10:00 PM, ACC: The Reverbery at the Hilton
Tuesday, 9 January
Hurricanes of 2017: Part I8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Hurricanes of 2017—Part II10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Early PM
Hurricanes of 2017—Part III1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Hurricanes of 2017 Poster Session3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Special Symposium on Impact-Based Decision Support Services
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Best Practices (from across the Weather Enterprise)8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Needs (Physical and Social Science research, Practice, etc.)10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Early PM
Challenges (Barriers to Providing Effective Impact-Based Decision Support Services)1:30 PM-2:30 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Collaborations (also across the Weather Enterprise)2:45 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Salon K (Hilton)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Impact-Based Decision Support Services Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
A Special Symposium on Plains Elevated Convection At Night (PECAN)
Sunday, 7 January
Early PM
Late PM
18th Presidential Forum: Transforming Communication in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise—Focusing on Challenges Facing Our Sciences4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
Convection Initiation8:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Bores and LLJs10:30 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Early PM
MCSs1:30 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 6A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Posters3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Presidential Town Hall Meetings
Monday, 8 January
Early PM
Presidential Town Hall Meeting: The Devastating 2017 Hurricane Season: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions for the Weather Enterprise12:15 PM-1:45 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Late PM
Tuesday, 9 January
Early PM
Presidential Town Hall Meeting: Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences within the Weather Enterprise—Discussion of a new study from the National Academies12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom F (ACC)
Late PM
Town Hall Meetings
Monday, 8 January
Early PM
Beyond the Status Quo: Creating a Culture of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Atmospheric Sciences and Related Fields (CANCELED)12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
NASA’s Earth Science Flight Program - Investments In And Planning For The Next-Generation Earth Observatories: Eric Ianson (NASA HQ)12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: 615 AB (Hilton)
Late PM
Tuesday, 9 January
Advancing NOAA’s Subseasonal and Seasonal Prediction in Support of the Weather Act of 20177:00 AM-8:15 AM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Early PM
EarthCube: A Community-driven Cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences – A Progress Report12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 10AB (ACC)
Environmental Information for Resilience in Infrastructure12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
NASA Earth Science Division Town Hall12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
NOAA Modeling Development Forum12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
The Outlook for Evidence-Based Decision-Making12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
Late PM
The Weather Value Chain of the Future: From NewSpace to NOAA5:30 PM-6:45 PM, ACC: Room 16AB (ACC)
United States Air Force Weather Capabilities Roadmap5:30 PM-7:00 PM, ACC: Room 18B (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
Improving Weather Research and Services Through Sustained Ocean Observations7:00 AM-8:15 AM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
Early PM
Communicating Energy Information in the State of Texas: Best Practices and Lessons Learned12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 15 (ACC)
NOAA Big Data Project- Updates12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 14 (ACC)
The 2017-2027 National Academies' Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space: An Overview of the Report12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
When Weather Changed History12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Late PM
Thursday, 11 January
Early PM
Water Modeling and the Implementation of the NOAA Water Initiative12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Side Panels
Monday, 8 January
How To Become a Better Presenter7:15 AM-8:15 AM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Early PM
NOAA and NASA Use of Commercial Space-based Weather and Earth Science Data12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Late PM
Tuesday, 9 January
Early PM
Unlocking the Value of Satellite Observations for the Public through Cloud-Based Access12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18CD (ACC)
Late PM
Wednesday, 10 January
Early PM
AMS Publications Special Session: How to Maximize the Impact of Your Research and What AMS Can Do to Help12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 17B (ACC)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Leadership12:15 PM-1:15 PM, ACC: Room 18A (ACC)
Late PM
Saturday, 6 January
Registration for Short Courses and Student Conference7:30 AM-10:00 AM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Early PM
Late PM
AMS Career Fair5:30 PM-7:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Sunday, 7 January
Scout Event7:00 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Room 4ABC (ACC)
AMS Information Desk7:30 AM-8:00 PM, ACC
Registration7:30 AM-8:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto and Presidential Forum Speaker Richard Alley8:30 AM-9:00 AM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Early PM
Speaker Ready Room12:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 11AB (ACC)
WeatherFest12:00 PM-4:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 1 (ACC)
Newcomer's Welcome and Informational Exchange3:00 PM-3:45 PM, ACC: Room 19AB (ACC)
Late PM
Presidential Forum4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
98th Annual Review, New Fellows, Featured Awards and Business Meeting5:15 PM-6:15 PM, ACC: Ballroom G (ACC)
AMS Career Fair6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Student Conference Poster Session6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 5 (ACC)
Welcome Reception Honoring Newly Elected Fellows and Featured Award Winners6:30 PM-7:30 PM, ACC: EFG Foyer (ACC)
Colour of Weather Reception7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: 408 (Hilton)
American Weather and Climate Industry Association (AWCIA) and Early Career Professionals Reception7:00 PM-9:30 PM, ACC: Salon J (Hilton)
CoRiolis Reception7:30 PM-9:30 PM, ACC: 602 (Hilton)
Monday, 8 January
AMS Information Desk7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC
Registration7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Speaker Ready Room7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Room 11AB (ACC)
Local Chapter Posters8:00 AM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Welcoming Address8:30 AM-8:45 AM, ACC
Spouse's Coffee9:00 AM-11:00 AM, ACC: 602 (Hilton)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Member Services Desk10:00 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-2:00 PM,
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break4:15 PM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Exhibits Opening and Reception6:00 PM-8:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Fourth Annual Speed Networking Event for Students and Early Career Professionals8:00 PM-10:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Tuesday, 9 January
AMS Information Desk7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC
Member Services Desk7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Registration7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Speaker Ready Room7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Room 11AB (ACC)
Local Chapter Posters8:00 AM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Spouse's Coffee9:00 AM-11:00 AM, ACC: 602 (Hilton)
Exhibit Hall9:00 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Coffee . Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto10:00 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Women in Atmospheric Sciences Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Daily Weather Briefings12:50 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
AMA4:00 PM-5:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
University Night Receptions5:30 PM-10:00 PM, ACC
Peter J. Webster Symposium Banquet6:30 PM-8:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Wednesday, 10 January
AMS Information Desk7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC
Member Services Desk7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Registration7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Speaker Ready Room7:30 AM-6:00 PM, ACC: Room 11AB (ACC)
Local Chapter Posters8:00 AM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Spouse's Coffee9:00 AM-11:00 AM, ACC: 602 (Hilton)
Exhibit Hall9:00 AM-6:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Coffee Break10:00 AM-10:30 AM,
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto10:00 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Early PM
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Daily Weather Briefings12:50 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Late PM
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break3:45 PM-5:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC)
Awards Banquet Reception5:30 PM-6:30 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
98th AMS Awards Banquet7:00 PM-9:00 PM, ACC: Ballroom D (ACC)
Thursday, 11 January
AMS Information Desk7:30 AM-3:00 PM, ACC
Member Services Desk7:30 AM-3:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Registration7:30 AM-3:00 PM, ACC: Atrium Lobby
Speaker Ready Room7:30 AM-5:00 PM, ACC: Room 11AB (ACC)
Exhibit Hall9:00 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Exhibit Hall Breakfast9:30 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Meet President Roger M. Wakimoto10:00 AM-10:30 AM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
AMA11:00 AM-12:00 PM, ACC: Exhibit Hall 4 (ACC)
Early PM
David J. Raymond Symposium Luncheon12:00 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Ballroom A (ACC)
Lunch Break12:00 PM-1:30 PM,
Daily Weather Briefings12:50 PM-1:30 PM, ACC: Room 17A (ACC)
Solar Farm Outing2:30 PM-4:30 PM,
Coffee Break3:00 PM-3:30 PM,
Late PM
Meeting Adjourns5:00 PM-5:05 PM,