Important decisions in sectors ranging from food security and public health, emergency management, and national security rely on communicated forecast and uncertainty information globally and at time scales beyond traditional weather limits. National Earth System Prediction Capability (National ESPC) is a partnership of five federal agencies collaborating to address research and operational issues across time scales ranging from synoptic to decadal, especially improving the two-way connection between research and operational prediction. The partnership’s greatest focus is on the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) time range for which both initial conditions and boundary forcings drive the state of the coupled air−ocean−land−ice environment. With the goal of improving assessments of S2S model prediction skill, prediction tools or technologies, and providing process-based feedback on model performance, this session is accepting papers describing verification and validation techniques and tools on the S2S time scale, for user needs with fundamental time scales extending across this time frame such as watershed prediction reliability, planting season precipitation, potential frost days, Arctic or Great Lakes ice breakup dates, ice extent, etc.