Owing to changes in the Earth’s global climate, regional hydrologic components of the water cycle including precipitation and evapotranspiration (ET) are changing in terms of their mean values and associated variability. Given hydrologic extremes at local to global scales are predicted to occur more frequently and atmospheric demand on terrestrial surface moisture expected to increase, knowledge of the cumulative effects of these shifts on hydroclimate and regional water resources is greatly needed. Further, with water availability and growing scarcity of critical importance to human society, increased knowledge into changes in regional water resources such as snow cover, groundwater storage and soil moisture, and sources of regional hydroclimate variability are critical. As such, this session will bring together presentations that focus on the impacts of a changing climate on the variability of hydrological processes on the regional scale. Submissions are encouraged on all topics related to improving our understanding of natural and anthropogenic impacts on regional hydroclimate variability across the world. This includes studies using process-based models, empirical analyses, and investigations of the paleoclimate record. In keeping with the theme of the meeting, we also encourage those presentations highlighting innovative approaches toward communication and coproduction of knowledge between researchers, stakeholders, and policy makers.