Session 11B Social Media and Communication

Sunday, 7 January 2018: 10:50 AM-11:45 AM
Ballroom E (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Host: 17th Annual Student Conference
Makenzie Krocak, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, NSSL, Norman, OK
Ed Maibach, George Mason Univ., Center for Climate Change Communication, Fairfax, VA; Jeannette Sutton, Univ. of Kentucky, Department of Communication, Lexington, KY; Keli Pirtle, NOAA, Norman, OK and Richard Smith, NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK

One of the greatest challenges of the scientific community, regardless of sector, is communication of their work and its societal implications. Social media platforms add additional challenges because of the instantaneous way information (both good and bad) can spread.  This panel will discuss the intricacies of using social media to communicate science, climate, severe weather, risks, and other topics.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner