Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 9:45 AM
Room 10AB (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
When winter weather strikes, busy municipalities often turn to contract labor to supplement the capabilities of their own fleets. However, keeping tabs on their contributions to road clearing activities, in addition to public fleets, is a challenge.
Smartphone-based technologies offer new ways to improve snow removal operations, with solutions that are far less expensive than equipping every contractor vehicle with real-time GPS tracking systems. Utilizing contractor’s private smartphones and an easy-to-use app, fleet managers can achieve a 360-degree operational picture of snow removal efforts. This greatly simplifies the process of redeploying or redirecting snow plows as needed while providing visibility into the efficacy of individual snow-clearing crews.
By embracing smartphone-based technologies (powered by the cloud), municipalities can speed up the decision-making process and get residents back on the road and back to work sooner.