GOES-R products demonstrated in the 2017 EWP Summer Experiment included: GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Cloud and Moisture Imagery, baseline derived products and numerous multispectral products, the Geostationary Lightning Mapper, and the Probability of Severe statistical model. Additionally, GOES-16 provides 1-minute imagery via two 1000-km x 1000-km mesoscale sectors, and its value was also assessed in monitoring convective storm life cycles. As a JPSS Proving Ground activity, the NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) temperature and moisture profiles were displayed using the AWIPS-II sounding analysis program. These soundings were created using data from three different polar orbiting satellites: Suomi-NPP and Europe’s MetOp-A and MetOp-B. Additionally, a modified version of NUCAPS was also examined in which an automated correction incorporating surface METAR observations was applied to the boundary layer to improve the accuracy of the sounding. Also, participants were able to view the NUCAPS derived parameters in a plan or cross-section view.
Results from the GOES-R/JPSS Proving Ground demonstrations at the 2017 HWT Summer Experiment are presented, including examples of product use and feedback from participants.