2.2 Preparing Future Broadcast Meteorologists for the Changes in Station Roles

Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 10:45 AM
Ballroom B (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Gerald J. Mulvey, Univ. of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX; and K. Deleon

Handout (1.6 MB)

The world of Broadcast Meteorology is continuing to change. Shifts in the audience attitudes, advertiser’s needs, and opinions of station managers swing the role of a weathercaster between entertainer, scientist and emergency news authority. How can the new broadcast meteorologists entering the field be trained to meet these changing needs? Training needs and training techniques for future Weather Broadcasters is a continuingly changing dynamic. Techniques and approaches used 10 years ago are no longer be adequate. The broadcast meteorologist’s role has developed from a reporter reading the teleprompter with messages from the National Weather Service or private forecasters to include not only meteorologists, but station scientist, special event announcer, social media reporter and event reporter. The new “brand” of broadcast meteorologists leaving the university with a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Science must have the skills needed to meet the demands of this changing job market. Training programs while grounded in the science of meteorology must cover other basic skills to allow graduates to compete and excel in securing a long term career track. This presentation will describe the approach used at the University of the Incarnate Word to meet this need. This approach blends traditional meteorological training such as synoptic meteorology, forecasting, severe weather identification and analysis with TV new reporting training, such as story writing, camera presentation, timing, and interview techniques, and specific broadcast meteorology training on use of graphics software, graphic design and integration of meteorological science in weather / severe storm presentations. This presentation will describe the curriculum, techniques and integration needed for the next generation of Broadcast Meteorologists.
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