Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. The European Commission (EU) has entrusted ECMWF with the implementation of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). The Copernicus Climate Change service shall provide information to increase the knowledge base to support adaptation and mitigation policies.
The Climate Data Store (CDS) is the cornerstone of the C3S infrastructure. It contributes to the provision of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), climate analyses, projections and indicators at temporal and spatial scales relevant to adaptation and mitigation strategies for various sectoral and societal benefit areas.
The CDS is designed as a distributed system, providing improved access to existing datasets via a powerful service-oriented architecture. It offers seamless web-based and API-based search and retrieve facilities to access climate data and information.
In addition, one of the major feature of the CDS is the provision of a generic software toolbox that allow users to develop web based applications that make use of all the datasets available in the CDS. The variety of data types, data formats, as well as large data volumes, makes their combined use highly challenging. The toolbox abstracts the physical location of the datasets, their access methods, formats, units, etc. allowing applications developers to focus on algorithms. The toolbox provides a series of tools that perform basic operations on the datasets, such as differences or re-gridding, as well as statistical computations such as means or standard deviations; tools can then be combined into more elaborated workflows, and present there results graphically on the CDS web site.
The Copernicus Climate Change Service will benefit from the state of the art data analysis tools to generate the reference applications required to analyse, monitor and predict the patterns of both the climate drivers and impacts.