Wednesday, 10 January 2018: 9:15 AM
Ballroom C (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
In 2014, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) conducted the latest in its sequence of surveys of its membership. Included in the survey were a number of questions pertaining to the value that members derive from the Society's products and services. Asked to classify the value of their AMS membership dues as "excellent", "satisfactory", or "not good value", 36% chose "excellent", while only 7% chose "not good value". The three most frequently cited reasons for joining the AMS were attendance at meetings, access to publications, and staying informed. Consistent with these reasons, ams-sponsored scientific conferences, AMS Journals, and BAMS were found to be at least somewhat valuable to more than 90% of survey participants. The presentation will include additional relevant details about these results and break down the results according to type of engagement in the weather, water, and climate community as well as according to employer type. The primary aim of the analysis is to highlight findings that may influence the Society's long-term planning for offering of products and services.