Wednesday, 10 January 2018: 11:45 AM
Ballroom E (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
In 2015, the National Weather Service (NWS) Central Region Decision Support Services (DSS)
Demonstration Team developed the Situation Report as a new means of delivering critical weather
information to core partners. The Situation Report is intended to be a daily briefing tool providing
detailed up-to- date information on potential hazardous weather via bullet point text and forecast
graphics. Four NWS Central Region weather forecast offices have utilized the Situation Report as
a DSS tool since 2015. To date, very limited official customer feedback has been gathered
regarding product utility. Social science-based research and analysis was needed to gain
feedback on the format, content, and utility of the weather messaging in this product prior to
expanding its production to additional NWS weather forecast offices.
Demonstration Team developed the Situation Report as a new means of delivering critical weather
information to core partners. The Situation Report is intended to be a daily briefing tool providing
detailed up-to- date information on potential hazardous weather via bullet point text and forecast
graphics. Four NWS Central Region weather forecast offices have utilized the Situation Report as
a DSS tool since 2015. To date, very limited official customer feedback has been gathered
regarding product utility. Social science-based research and analysis was needed to gain
feedback on the format, content, and utility of the weather messaging in this product prior to
expanding its production to additional NWS weather forecast offices.
In conjunction with the National Weather Service Training Center’s Social Science Applications
course, a social science analysis was conducted to gather feedback from northeast Kansas
Integrated Warning Team (IWT) core partners on how to improve the weather messaging in the
Situation Report to better serve their needs. Valuable feedback was gathered via surveys and
focus groups, and the findings will be presented. The findings and recommendations from this
evaluation will ultimately be integrated into the design, dissemination, and content of the Situation
Report as it expands to additional NWS weather forecast offices in the future.