JU2003 Observation"> Abstract: Urban Turbulence One-Dimensional Velocity Spectra from the <span onclick="highlight()" class="single_highlight_class">JU2003</span><span> </span>Observation (98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting) JU2003 Observation">

J13.2 Urban Turbulence One-Dimensional Velocity Spectra from the JU2003 Observation

Monday, 8 January 2018: 2:15 PM
Salon G (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
Sam Chang, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD

A simple analytical form is used to model turbulent velocity spectra. This form has two free constants which can be calculated by turbulence measurements with a non-linear curve fitting method. The Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) field experiments were undertaken in Oklahoma City during the summer of 2003. Sonic anemometer data taken using Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s 83 m pseudo tower from JU2003 are analyzed. We present the results of characteristics of the urban turbulence velocity spectra. In particular we focus on the features of spectral peak frequency and wavelength. Their variations with wind direction, atmospheric stability, within and above the urban canopy are discussed in detail.
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