Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 12:00 AM
Salon H (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
The GOES-16 satellite was successfully launched on November 19, 2016. The Advanced Baseline Imager instrument has been producing quality data and the Level 1B products were declared provisionally operational on June 1, 2017. In general, the Level 2 (L2) products have achieved the beta maturity level designation and are currently under evaluation to reach provisional status. In order for these L2 algorithms to reach provisional status, the operational algorithms will need to be updated. These algorithm updates will go through the GOES-16 Algorithm Change Process (ACP).
The GOES-16 Algorithm Change Process consists of a number of steps to transfer the algorithm fixes and look-up table/coefficient file updates into operations. The ACP starts with an Algorithm Discrepancy Report (ADR) that identifies that change to the algorithm that will need to be made. Once the ADR is accepted and approved, then the updates will go through a number of software integration and verification steps that are governed by process oversight. The end result of the ACP is the updated algorithm being run operationally within the GOES-16 ground system. The ACP will be discussed and described in detail.