2.3 The DTN/Pioneer Ag Weather Network in 2018

Monday, 8 January 2018: 11:15 AM
Room 5ABC (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
James H. Block, DTN, Minneapolis, MN; and D. Austin

Handout (1.5 MB)

An overview of the 6,000 station DTN-Pioneer Ag Weather Network is presented, from both the perspective of Pioneer Hybrid International, a major sponsor of the network, and from DTN, co-sponsor and operator of the network. Details of the network, all built since 2013 and privately funded and operated, including the types of stations and parameters observed are described. Use of local weather observations in precision agriculture is explained. Applications that use the data are presented, along with their value to the farmers and producers who have installed the stations. Finally, general comments about the value of precision weather information in precision agriculture and an outlook for the future of Ag Weather is included.
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