The Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III) aims to assess the ability of current multi-scale air quality models to reproduce pollutant concentrations over Asia and quantify the uncertainties from the models. In order to investigate the modeling differences from the model itself, all the models are configured with the same domain of 45km horizontal resolution, the same emission inventory of MEIC, and the same meteorological simulation from weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. The results from ten different regional modeling groups of MICS-Asia III for the ammonia (NH3) modeling over Asia in 2010 are presented in this study. The results showed large differences of the annual NH3 concentrations over North India, North China Plain (NCP) and parts of Southeast Asia. The ensemble spreads of the ten simulations of the annual NH3 concentrations were more than 10 ppbv over most areas of above regions with high NH3 concentrations. The uncertainties from model showed large temporal variations within the one-year simulation. Over Beijing-Tian-Hebei region in China, the uncertainties are higher over winter and autumn than the other seasons. Over Yangtze River Delta region in China, the differences within these models in June and December were larger than the other months. Over Pearl River Delta region in China, the model uncertainties in July and September were larger than the other months. The possible reasons behind these model uncertainties were also discussed.