MAS works in five simple steps:
1. When expecting a major weather event, a National Weather Service office can request support from the Spanish Support Team by submitting an activation request form from the MAS Google site.
2. Spanish Support Team volunteers clear participation with their local management to assist while on duty. If approved, they follow the activation instructions in the request email. If no volunteers are available, the requesting weather forecast office continues with their standard operating procedures.
3. Volunteers check in and coordinate with the requesting office’s designated social media liaison in the “mas_coord” chat room. The National Weather Service Chat Room allows to have text conversations between the social media liaison and the volunteers to collaborate and discuss action items.
4. Once coordinated, the volunteers scour social media channels for reports pertinent to the office in need. This allows the social media liaison at the requesting office to focus on the office’s outgoing social media messages (e.g., warning information, forecast changes, storm details). National Weather Service volunteers will also be available to help with Spanish television and radio interviews.
5. The social media liaison will indicate when the event has concluded or aid is no longer required. Any debriefing information is communicated by the volunteers to the liaison.